Microsoft has showed their release plans for Business Central 2022 wave 1. Unfortunately there is nothing to show about the Performance Toolkit (BCPT) ☹. But hey there is always the…
Microsoft has showed their release plans for Business Central 2022 wave 1. Unfortunately there is nothing to show about the Performance Toolkit (BCPT) ☹. But hey there is always the…
This last blog about the performance toolkit I will talk about how you can run it but also how you can extract te results. You can start the BCPT suite…
In this second part we are going to look into how you can create the test codeunits. Part 1 you can lookup here: Performance Toolkit in Business Central - Part 1…
This blog I want to write a long time ago. But now it is finally there (for part 1). This one is about the Performance Toolkit. With Application Insights you…
Well maybe a very strange title 😊. But let me clarify this. Since the journey to the web client of Business Central the functionality of the interaction logpost was broken.…
The most financial users in a company are very keen in MS Excel. I have seen the most impresive worksheet. And it is a very good thing to combine your…
Last week I did a compare of the Business Central 18 system app and the new Business Central 19 system app. And there where a couple of things added. And…
Last week I was writing that the functionality of "Attachments" in Business Central was storing the files in the database. And I'm not a fan of that. But Kennie pointed…
This week I was struggling with an OnPrem installation of Business Central, Oauth2 and SharePoint Online. It was hard to find any documentation of it. Maybe you already know how…
Lately I was searching in the BC19 preview container and when I want to change the company I have noticed a new option in the 'My Settings' menu: It is…