From Business Central to Dataverse to Fabric

From Business Central to Dataverse to Fabric

Currently is it possible to have a shortcut in Microsoft Fabric to Dataverse.

With a shortcut the data will stay in Dataverse and Fabric users can lookup and work with the data.
To setup the connection you can do it in Dataverse or in MS Fabric.


If you start from Fabric you have to create a Lakehouse and from there you can create a shortcut:

There you can create a connection and after this you choose which tables you want to have a shortcut on:

If you have done that the tables will appear inside your lakehouse and you can start working on it:


If you want to start from Dataverse you have to go to tables -> Analyze.

There you can create your connection and all tables will be replicated.
If you want to change this you need to go to “Azure Synapse Link” to disable or enable the tables.

Business Central

Ok but what has this to do with Business Central? When you want to extract data from Business Central to Fabric you have to use API’s (Let’s flow your Business Central data into Microsoft Fabric – Discover Microsoft Business Central ( or the unsupported tool bc2adls (Bertverbeek4PS/bc2adls: Exporting data from Dynamics 365 Business Central to Azure data lake storage or MS Fabric lakehouse (

But there is a native connection with Business Central and Dataverse (Integrate with Microsoft Dataverse via data sync – Business Central | Microsoft Learn)

So in that case when have a sync with Dataverse inside Business Central you can get your Business Central Data also into Fabric in a native way!

Business Central Customer:



For more details:
Link your Dataverse environment to Microsoft Fabric and unlock deep insights – Power Apps | Microsoft Learn


With Dataverse shortcuts you can use your data from Business Central but also from your Power Apps inside your Microsoft Fabric.
In this case you don’t have difficult integrations to build analysis reports with different sources.
Also the benefit is that your data is maintained inside Dataverse and not copied to Fabric.
It will create a optimized replica in delta parquet format just for Fabric. So it will not leave your region and Fabric will only read that replica data!

Virtual tables

When you select the tables for the shortcut you cannot select the Virtual Tables that you have created from Business Central. This is because the “Change Tacking” option is disable and you cannot disable it.


Remco Nicolai

De dataverse naar Fabric connectie is blijkbaar niet tenant overschrijdend, klopt dat?

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