BC24: Manual integration mapping with Dataverse and Business Central
In the past it wasn’t possible to create manually a simple integration mapping inside Business Central without any coding. You have to create allot of code. See the Microsoft Documentation:
Customizing an Integration with Microsoft Dataverse – Business Central | Microsoft Learn
There is also an extension that you can use:
Sync your BC data to Dataverse with less code – Discover Microsoft Business Central (bertverbeek.nl)
But now this is also possible inside the standard of Business Central:
In that case you don’t have to call al developer but if the fields are already in the Dataverse proxy table you can easily integrate with it.
You can change the integration on two levels. The first is a completely new table and the second is adding fields to an existing table.
Adding fields
When you go to the fields mapping of on existing integration table you can see a new button is there:
When you click on the button you get into a wizard were you can select the fields that you want to integrate with:
You can only integrate the following fields:
BigInteger, Boolean, Code, Date, DateFormula, DateTime, Decimal, Duration, GUID, Integer, Option and Text. Another restriction is on fields that has a relationship and fields that are already mapped.
If you click “Next” and “Finished” it will create the field mapping with the status “Disabled”.
To update existing data, choose Run Unconditional Full Synchronization on the Integration Table Mappings page. The action will synchronize data from the new field mappings you just added.
And if you have done that the field is updated:
New table
When you want a total new table mapping you can use the “New Table Mapping”:
When you opened this option you get also a wizard page that you guide through the process:
And with the advanced button on the second step you can add table filters:
And when you click finished the integration table is created:
So again you don’t need a developer on very simple integration mapping fields!