How to get large KQL queries into Power BI
Sometimes you want analyse your telemetry in your own Power BI next to the standard Power BI telemetry dashboard found here:
Find the right app | Microsoft AppSource
But when you are loading large sets of data in your Power BI you don’t get all the data. This is because the Application Insights API has two hard limits:
– Receiving 500.000 rows
– Receiving 64000000 bytes
You can lower the numbers by adding a summarize (or other things) to you KQL query. But if you want the raw data you can also create a function in Power BI to retrieve all the entries.
In this case we want all the Pageviews for 30 days in Power BI with the following query (this query it from the standard Power Bi report from Kennie):
| where timestamp > ago(30d)
| where customDimensions has 'CL0001'
| where customDimensions.eventID == 'CL0001' or customDimensions.eventId == 'CL0001'
| where isnotempty(customDimensions.aadTenantId) // filter away signal from Docker sandboxes
| extend TenantId = strcat( toupper(customDimensions.aadTenantId), toupper(customDimensions.environmentName) )
, ExtensionVersion = iff( tostring(customDimensions.appVersion) == 'null', '', tostring(customDimensions.appVersion) )
| parse kind=regex client_Browser with browserName:string ' ' browserVersion:string
| parse ExtensionVersion with majorVersion '.' minorVersion '.' theRest
| summarize Count=count(), SumDurationInMs = sum(duration)
timestamp = bin(timestamp, 1h)
, TenantId
, ClientType = tostring( customDimensions.clientType )
, ObjectId = tostring( customDimensions.alObjectId )
, PageName = tostring( customDimensions.alObjectName )
, ObjectType = tostring( customDimensions.alObjectType )
, PageType = tostring( customDimensions.pageType )
, ExtensionId = tostring(customDimensions.appId)
, ExtensionName = iff( tostring(customDimensions.appName) == 'null', 'Platform', tostring(customDimensions.appName) )
, ExtensionVersion, MajorVersion=toint(majorVersion), MinorVersion=toint(minorVersion)
, ExtensionPublisher = iff( tostring(customDimensions.appPublisher) == 'null', 'Microsoft', tostring(customDimensions.appPublisher))
, CompanyName = tostring( customDimensions.companyName )
, Browser = iff(browserName=='Edg', 'Edge', browserName)
If we run this query it exceeds in more then 500.000 records.
So that is why we want to query each day so we get less results in a single query.
We change the following in the query:
| where timestamp > ago(30d)
| where timestamp between (now(-1d)
In this case we query the pageviews only for one day.
When we run it we can save it to an “Power BI M Query”:
In Power BI we create a new query and in the “Advanced editor” we put the “M Query” and save it
After above we are creating an extra new query and add the following column:
Then we do the following:
– Convert it to a table
– Add an index column:
– Change the columns into Text values
– Rename the columns
Now we are going to create a function from the “Power BI M query” we just added and change the following in the “Advanced editor”:
Then we are going to add a function column in the “days” query:
After this is added we can expand the column and use the original names:
When everything is done we can remove the query (because this is converted into a function).
When we apply the changes, Power BI will query each day end we get the following result:
In this case 5.5 million records.
Good luck 😊